15 February 2019 FT — Articles to Read

15 February 2019


Question: According to MSN: Money, what are the things one needs to do before retiring?


German recession avoided while Japan stages recovery – Pg. 3

–          Germany has avoided a recession by the narrowest of margins, with growth grinding to a standstill in the final quarter of 2018

–          While the economy avoided a technical recession – defined as two successive quarters of contraction – the figures for the third and fourth quarters highlight the exposure of Europe’s largest economy to a downturn

–          In contrast, Japan returned to growth in the fourth quarter as the economy recovered from a series of natural disasters, despite pressure on exports from the slowing Chinese economy and the US-China trade war


Link found between depression and dementia – Pg. 4

–          Depression accelerates the ageing of the brain and inflicts serious damage on cognitive function and memory that could lead to dementia…

–          Dementia and depression are priority targets for global health campaigns


US retail sales slump to 10-year low – Pg. 11

–          Retail sales plunged in the US in December, falling by the sharpest amount in almost a decade and sending a worrying signal on a critical month for consumer spending


Answer: (1) Budgeting; (2) Social Security; (3) Withdrawing from assets; (4) Health Care; (5) Relationship; (6) Lifestyle