15 May 2019 FT — Articles to Read

15 May 2019


Question: According to MSN: Lifestyle what are 18 proven strategies to teach kids to handle bullying?


White House pressed Fed to help in trade tussle with China – Pg. 2

–          Mr Trump’s renewed pressure on Fed chair Jay Powell to lower short-term interest rates came amid a period of volatility on world stock markets as hostilities over trade escalate between the US and China

–          Escalating trade hostilities could revive one of the so-called downside risks Fed policymakers have been watching for more than a year, adding to dovish arguments a rate reduction was in order

–          But higher tariffs should temporarily push up inflation, which could alleviate some of the central bank’s worries that price growth was too low


IMF stakes reputation on Argentina bailout – Pg. 4

–          Assets have stabilized in recent weeks and the central bank is allowed to use IMF resources to intervene in the peso

–          In September, the IMF said it would extend an additional $7.1bn loan to provide Argentina with more cash upfront in exchange for a harsher austerity programme

–          The deal required Argentina to run a balanced budget by 2019 and to shrink its external deficit.  It succeeded on both counts

–          Inflation is nearly 55% and more than 30% of the population live in poverty, stirring memories of past crises and rescues

–          Many people view the IMF as a comic book villain given its long and chequered history in Argentina.  Since it first sought the fund’s help in 1958, Argentina has signed 22 agreements, most of which have ended badly for both sides


Inequality in America offers lessons for Britain – Pg. 9

–          The US holds the unenviable title as the world’s most unequal rich country, at least in terms of income

–          Perhaps the most troubling aspect of inequality in the US is the extent to which the lives of people without four-year college degree have become worse and have diverged from the lives of those who are better educated

–          For those without a college degree, real median wages have fallen for half a century

–          Even as US national income has grown, the gains have all gone to the more educated, while those left behind have lost, not only prosperity but the self-respect, status and meaning that come with good jobs and good marriages


How long the debt cycle might end – Pg. 9

–          Those in emerging countries are particularly vulnerable, because much of their borrowing is foreign currencies.  This causes currency mismatches in their balance sheets.  Meanwhile, monetary policy fosters risk-taking, while regulation discourages it – a recipe for instability

–          Start then with inflationary fire.  Much of what is going on right now recalls the early 1970s: an amoral US president (then Richard Nixon) determined to achieve re-election, pressured the Federal Reserve chairman (then Arthur Burns) to deliver an economic boom.  He also launched a trade war, via devaluation and protection.  A decade of global disorder ensued.  This sounds rather familiar, does it not?

–          Some suggest that the Phillips curve – the short-term relationship between unemployment and inflation – is dead, because low unemployment has not raised inflation


Answer: (1) Parents: Talk about it; (2) Kids: Walk with friends; (3) Parents: Know the rules; (4) Kids: Ignore the bully; (5) Parents: Communicate; (6) Kids: Use the right body language; (7) Parents: Listen; (8) Kids: Practice handling a bully; (9) Parents: Give your child control; (10) Kids: Keep a distance; (11) Parents: Do not change your mind; (12) Kids: Slow your speed; (13) Parents: Avoid the urge to rescue; (14) Kids: never give a bully anything; (15) Parents: Empower instead of rescue; (16) Kids: Be a positive bystander; (17) Parents: Encourage kids to connect with friends; (18) Parents: Model kindness (Prof Note: I talk with more and more of my mates and many are experiencing bully issues with their children.  We talk about their children, they show me pictures, and I simply do not get it.  My only comment is that I believe bullying is pervasive throughout society at all levels.  Perhaps in school it is emotional but in business it becomes economic.  I see it as a power differential.  I do not have answers, just observations.  One of my favourite expressions, coined by a mate, is, “We bully the bullies!”.  Just remember there is always a light on at Casa de Staiger if ever needed.  (Warning: I have no indoor plumbing at the moment but some day… J))