
As part of our ongoing partnership with our clients and our belief in the sharing of knowledge, we provide access to information and resources throughout these pages. The P(Gain) team believes in collaboration and educating our clients to improve their understanding and their position.


Financial Times blog icon

Financial Times Blog

The Financial Times Blog is where the P(Gain) team shares our views on everything that affects real estate and capital markets.

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Pre-Market Job Postings

For committed professionals, P(Gain) pulls upon our deep industry and academic connections to showcase opportunities advertised to us within the fields of finance and real estate, often before they are advertised to the general public.

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Events & public speaking engagements icon

Events & Public Speaking Engagements

P(Gain) is available for select public speaking engagements covering the fields of capital markets and real estate industry segments.

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Real Estate Financial Modelling book icon

Book: Real Estate Financial Modelling

Foundations of Real Estate Financial Modelling introduces students and professionals to the basics of real estate finance theory before providing a step-by-step guide for financial model construction using Excel.

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