The P(Gain) team of advisors are globally-recognized authorities on financial modelling and forecasting using the two leading structures: MS Excel and Argus platforms. We literally wrote the book — the leading global textbook on real estate and portfolio pro forma construction. We blend sound financial principles with our extensive real-world experience to deliver financial models that can help our clients achieve their goals.
Financial Modelling & Structuring
We Build Financial Models to Meet Your Unique Needs:
- Scalable – Our models are designed to scale to handle new variables and adjustments as investments and situations change.
- Modular & Portable – By organizing our models with core statements that draw from smaller schedules, we make it easier to manipulate small pieces of data.
- Transparent & Easy to Troubleshoot – We believe that educating our clients leads to exponential results. As such, the formulas that go into our models are transparent and easy to understand and adjust.
- Catered to End Users – Whether they’re for acquisitions professionals, asset managers, or equity and debt managers, we build our models with an understanding of how individuals will put them into use.
Developing New Models or Updating Your In-House Model, Including:
- Single-Family (one-page)
- 5-Unit Multifamily (pre-tax)
- Amortization Standalone
- N-Unit
- Portfolio Rollup
- Development Standalone
- Waterfall Standalone
- US GAAP Standalone
- Crystal Ball Standalone